Last rooms available in Porto!
15% OFF in booking fees. Promo Code: PORTO24

For tenants

We are here to help you booking a room!

Have a chat with our Booking Team and let them find the right place for you, close to your university, internship place and trendiest areas of your destination. 

Our young bookers will be happy to share with you tips about the best neighborhoods to live in and the things you must know as an international student before moving to your new city! 

How to Book a Room

Explore the available bedrooms for your desired dates of stay, send a request, wait for confirmation and pay. Easy online process!

Send an Email

Do you have some specific questions related to your booking? Drop us an email and get all the answers in a snap!

15-Min Video Call

Confused about your accommodation or destination? Our multilingual team is just a video call away, ready to assist you

How to book a room

Find Your Room

Use our search engine with all criteria (area, duration of your stay…) fill and select one or more rooms you are interested in!

Send a Request

Fill the form and send us a booking request. Our multilingual team will contact you shortly to confirm the availability  of the property.

Enjoy Your Stay

Once your request is accepted, you can confirm it by paying online. You will receive an email to prepare your arrival and start your new adventure!

Send us an Email

Shoot us an email and let us in on the details. Are you embarking on this journey alone or with a group of friends? We’ll help you book the most amazing accommodation abroad, ensuring you have a fantastic experience!

4.9 (based on 25 reviews)

What people say about us


Erasmus Intern FROM SPAIN


“With the pandemic situation, 🦠 everything has been restricted and the best I could do was choose Student Room Flat to live this experience.
A place that I can define as a house 🏠 where you never feel alone for even a second. There is always something to do and that is fantastic.




“When I was applying for Erasmus in Prague I was looking for a place in which I could meet people worldwide and make an unforgettable experience and Student Room Flat is absolutely meeting my expectations. The atmosphere here is electrifying and you can always breathe positive energy”


Intern from Spain


“I love playing and watching sports⛹️ and traveling around de world🌍
I’ve chosen SRF for my accommodation because it permits me to have my space and meet new people at the same time. And for the moment the experience is being very welcoming🤝”

Student Accommodation

COVID-19 Flexibilní zrušení rezervace

Vaše zdraví a spokojenost jsou a vždy budou naší hlavní prioritou!

Proto jsme vzhledem k nejistotě vyvolané krizí Covid-19 aktualizovali zásady pro zrušení rezervace, abychom našim uživatelům umožnili větší flexibilitu a možnost rezervovat naprosto bez rizika. 

Buď si jistý/a, že:

– pokud univerzita, na které jsi měl/a studovat, nebo společnost, pro kterou jsi měl/a v plánu pracovat v následujících měsících, zruší studijní program nebo stáž z důvodu krize Covid-19,

– pokud ti zákaz cestování nedovolí dorazit do cílové země: Kryjeme ti záda a rezervační poplatky ti budou vráceny v plné výši kdykoliv ti COVID-19 překazí plány! 

Naplánuj své budoucí dobrodružství, zarezervuj bezpečně už teď a tvůj vysněný pokoj na tebe bude čekat.

Ověř si všechny aktualizace Podmínek použití Podmínky použití služby