student accommodation

Are you searching for student accommodation in Toulouse? Here you can find the best rooms, studios, student residences and co-living in Toulouse! Let Student Room Flat help you book the best place abroad. 

Table of Contents

Experience the international student life in Toulouse

How to find Student Housing in Toulouse

When looking for your student accommodation in Toulouse is important to know where to start.  First, you need to understand that there are many different types of accommodation in Toulouse, and choosing the type of property where you want to live is no simple decision. The place you choose to rent can dictate the quality of your stay abroad and that’s why in Student Room Flat we offer you the safest and most diverse student accommodation in Toulouse. Whether you’re looking for a private or shared room in a flat or student residence, we give you access to our network of verified properties with great Hosts.  

After having it clear where you see yourself living make sure it fits with your student budget and personal needs. And no, you do not need to travel and waste time and money on endless apartment visits. Student Room Flat helps you book your student accommodation in Toulouse before your arrival with realistic pictures and trustworthy landlords. The best student housing in Toulouse is just a couple of clicks away with Student Room Flat.

From: 640€
From: 520€
From: 510€

How to Rent a Student Apartment in Toulouse

Renting a student apartment in Toulouse is surely a good option for those looking for a real erasmus flatshare experience. When living abroad, sharing a flat can be not only a very enriching experience but also a more affordable way of renting. With Student Room Flat you can book your private room in a student apartment in Toulouse without having to worry about finding cool new flatmates- that’s what we’re here for! Extra tip: ideally look for rooms in apartments that are already fully furnished and equipped and if possible – the cherry on top of the cake- with all-included bills, to save you extra worries in the time of moving in and out. 

From: 510€
From: 508€


From: 580€

How to Rent a Private Student Residence in Toulouse

Public university student residences in Toulouse are not the only option when it comes to this type of accommodation, especially since they can become full quite fast. Luckily, you can always choose to book a room in a private student residence in Toulouse without spending hours searching.  You can find places with great common areas (such as gym, BBQ area, sports zone, study areas and others) and services (like laundry and canteen). A private student residence in Toulouse is a great option if you’re looking for a big community feeling and a place where you have it all without having to leave the permisses to have fun!

From: 510€
From: 508€


From: 580€
Discover toulouse student city

Book Your Student Housing in Toulouse!

Book the best student accommodation in Toulouse with Student Room Flat. Our team of bookers is happy to help you find the right accommodation in the right neighbourhood within your ideal budget. 

Student Accommodation Toulouse
100% Free Cancellation

We have a special Free Cancellation Policy that intends to protect you in case Covid-19 gets in your plans! See our Terms and Conditions.

Rooms Perfectly Located

Our private student rooms are located near tourist attractions, grocery shops, parks, transports, bars and great restaurants in Toulouse!

Fully Furnished Flats

All rooms are completely equipped and furnished to make your life easier.

Full Support & Trust​

Our team is here for you! We support you before, during and after your stay. Your safe adventure abroad starts with your booking request!

Erasmus Accommodation in Toulouse

The best Erasmus Accommodation in Toulouse does not have to be difficult to find! Book a room and enjoy amazing flatmates, a big community of international students and an unforgettable experience abroad. When you book your Erasmus accommodation in Toulouse with us you reserve much more than a room, you reserve access to a full international experience, like so many other students.

From: 640€
From: 520€
From: 510€

Do you want to rent your property in Toulouse to students?

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for student accommodation in Toulouse? You must have so many questions before moving abroad, let us help with some!

To book a room in Toulouse, you can send us a booking request via our website. If the room, student residence, or flatshare is available and the requested dates are accepted, we will send you an email that your request was accepted by your Host or not. Be careful, the room is not yours yet! To confirm your booking, you will be asked to pay booking fees and other costs.

Some of the best neighborhoods for students in Toulouse are:

Saint-Cyprien: located on the left bank of the Garonne River near the city center. This area also entails the gorgeous Prairie des Filtres park

Compans-Caffarelli: Where the Toulouse Business School is located. This area is near the city center and includes the Compans-Caffarelli Park.

Saint-Michel: Where the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole is located. Beautiful and historic neighborhood in the center.

Jolimont: Well connected with the city center but more quiet and residential. Ideal for those who need real focus for their studies.

Rangueil: Close to the Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier, a great choice for science and engineering students. Far from the city center but with good connections.

Carmes: This neighborhood is more expensive due to it’s historic location.

Purpan: Where the Purpan Hospital and the Veterinary School are located. Calm neighborhood with good connections to the city center

Yes, Toulouse is a great erasmus destinations with a growing international environment and good universities.

Yes, Toulouse is a safe city. Just take the basic precautions one should aways have when living or travelling abroad.

Rent: from 500-800 EUR, all depends on the type of place you prefer to book

Food: From 200 EUR to 30EUR per month on groceries and meals out.

Transportation: can go from 30EUR to 50EUR, depending on your needs and the transport plan you choose.

100% Free Cancellation and Immediate Refund

Your health and well-being are and always will be our top priorities! That’s why, taking into consideration the uncertainty driven by the Covid19 crisis, we have updated our cancellation policy allowing more flexibility of booking cancellation to allow you to book with full confidence.
  • During all summer (for lease agreement starting 1st of May till end August) and without specific conditions,  providing the cancellation notice is sent at least 7 days prior starting date of the lease agreement (if not the deposit will be refunded but not the booking fees). 

  • For all bookings done with a lease agreement starting in December, January or February, if the university where you plan to study or the company you plan to work for in the coming months, cancelled the study program (be aware the online classes are not a reason for canceling your reservation) or the internship due to the Covid-19 crisis or if the ban to travel does not allow you to reach your destination, your bookings fees will be fully refunded.
We got you covered and your bookings fees will be fully refunded whenever COVID-19 gets in your plans! Secure your future adventure abroad, safely book now, and your dream room will be ready and waiting Check all the conditions updated in our Terms of Service

Last Update: 20/10/20

Student Accommodation

COVID-19 Flexibilní zrušení rezervace

Vaše zdraví a spokojenost jsou a vždy budou naší hlavní prioritou!

Proto jsme vzhledem k nejistotě vyvolané krizí Covid-19 aktualizovali zásady pro zrušení rezervace, abychom našim uživatelům umožnili větší flexibilitu a možnost rezervovat naprosto bez rizika. 

Buď si jistý/a, že:

– pokud univerzita, na které jsi měl/a studovat, nebo společnost, pro kterou jsi měl/a v plánu pracovat v následujících měsících, zruší studijní program nebo stáž z důvodu krize Covid-19,

– pokud ti zákaz cestování nedovolí dorazit do cílové země: Kryjeme ti záda a rezervační poplatky ti budou vráceny v plné výši kdykoliv ti COVID-19 překazí plány! 

Naplánuj své budoucí dobrodružství, zarezervuj bezpečně už teď a tvůj vysněný pokoj na tebe bude čekat.

Ověř si všechny aktualizace Podmínek použití Podmínky použití služby