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Where to live in Lyon? Best Neighborhoods in Lyon

Vieux Lyon

If you are thinking about moving to Lyon, the first question is “Where to live in Lyon”, the answer of the previous question is = Vieux Lyon! It is the oldest district in Lyon, and also the best neighborhoods in Lyon with a specific charm. This district is steeped in history and tradition. It is home to many monuments, including St Jean’s cathedral, the “traboules” and the many “bouchons lyonnais”, typical Lyonnais restaurants. The district is bordered by the river Saône, and by taking the funicular railway you can reach the majestic cathedral Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière. The district is full of typical Lyonnais bars and shops, where you can discover the praline, Lyon’s emblem. It’s one of the most popular and the best neighborhoods in Lyon to live in, with plenty of bars and clubs where you can meet new friends.


Located near Lyon, the dynamic district of Villeurbanne offers one of the best neighborhoods for students in Lyon. It is home to a multitude of higher education institutions, such as the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, the Université Lumière Lyon 2, as well as several engineering and business schools, creating a lively atmosphere conducive to intercultural exchanges. In addition to its rich academic environment, Villeurbanne is full of cultural, social and professional resources. From museums to theaters, restaurants and shops, you have easy access to a variety of enriching activities. Thanks to Lyon’s public transport network, including metros, trams and buses, getting around Villeurbanne and its surroundings is child’s play, offering great flexibility and easy mobility to explore the city and beyond. In other words, Villeurbanne is one of the best neighborhoods in Lyon if you want to be close to your school and live your life as an international student.


Located in the center of Lyon, Bellecour is part of Lyon 2, it offers one of the best neighborhoods in Lyon to visit the historical places and also to hang out with friends. From this Bellecour place, it is possible the Hill of Fourvière, and also the Louis XIV statue, because it was during his reign that the square was built. The architectural heritage is a mix of medieval and Renaissance times, but also some buildings from the XVIII, XIX and XX centuries, those who make it a wealth to see with their own eyes in Lyon. All this is one of the most densely frequented areas of the city of light because it is home to many monuments and shops, luxury shops, chic bars and restaurants, cinemas, department stores. It’s definitely the best neighborhood for students in Lyon if you would like to live close to the main popular places of the city.

Croix Rousse

At the north of the Presqu’île of Lyon, is situated the district of Croix Rousse. This working-class district still preserves in its alleys, its coasts, its secret passages and its wide boulevard, all the story of the Canuts. It is designated as “the hill that works”, in contrast to “the hill that prays”, that of Fourvière that faces it. But the Croix-Rousse is much more than that; it is also its slopes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the rise of the Grande-Côte, connecting the Place des Terreaux to its plateau. On these slopes, you will discover hidden gardens, retro shops, delicatessens, artisan workshops, artists at work, as well as a multitude of restaurants and cafes. They are mainly wealthy people who live in this splendid district of the city, which also makes it a neighborhood to visit if you are a student in Lyon. All these aspects make it a better neighborhood for students in Lyon.

Part Dieu

The Part-Dieu district in Lyon is a dynamic urban area, with a shopping center, the Tour Part-Dieu and a lively train station, where business, shops and culture meet. The skyscrapers contrast with the bustling streets, full of restaurants, cafes and shops, as well as green spaces. The architectural diversity reflects the history of the city. During the day, the streets are animated by workers, students and families, while evenings are marked by a lively atmosphere in restaurants and bars. La Part-Dieu is a cosmopolitan place, mixing modernity and tradition, offering one of the best neighborhoods in Lyon and  a unique city experience. 

Student Accommodation

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