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Student Room Flat Tenants reviews

Student Room Flat Reviews: Our happy tenants like to brag about us

Josie Derks

"They were efficient, communicative and always ready and available to help!”

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Louis Westmoreland

Student Room Flat Tenant

“The last 5 months have created memories I will cherish for a lifetime!”

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Etienne Coudert

Student Room Flat Tenant

“Everything is set when you arrive, you don’t have to deal with anything because you’re mind is occupied with a lot at this at this moment!”

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Manu Tshimanga

Student Room Flat Tenant

“I was looking for something I can actually count on, rely on,  and that’s what I had with Student Room Flat”

4.9 (based on 25 reviews)

What people say about us


Erasmus Intern FROM SPAIN


“With the pandemic situation, 🦠 everything has been restricted and the best I could do was choose Student Room Flat to live this experience.
A place that I can define as a house 🏠 where you never feel alone for even a second. There is always something to do and that is fantastic.




“When I was applying for Erasmus in Prague I was looking for a place in which I could meet people worldwide and make an unforgettable experience and Student Room Flat is absolutely meeting my expectations. The atmosphere here is electrifying and you can always breathe positive energy”


Intern from Spain


“I love playing and watching sports⛹️ and traveling around de world🌍
I’ve chosen SRF for my accommodation because it permits me to have my space and meet new people at the same time. And for the moment the experience is being very welcoming🤝”


Erasmus Student from norway


Despite the current pandemic and all the restrictions in place, I am very much enjoying my stay in Prague, and student room flat has definitely played a role in making this experience a memorable one. You never have to worry about being or feeling alone when booking a room through Student Room Flat! ☺️”


Erasmus Student From france


💡I chose @studentroomflat following the advice of a friend and I absolutely do not regret this decision.
👉 Thanks to SRF, I was able to meet lots of people from different countries and really make the most out of my Erasmus experience, despite the covid restrictions! 🎉”


Student from spain


“🎈I chose @studentroomflat because I loved the young atmosphere they offer and also the booking process was quite easy and safe. And I don’t regret it! I’ve had some great encounters, there is a very good atmosphere and activities are offered.”🌟🎉


Student from germany


🌸Before I came to Prague, I was worried that it would be difficult to get to know new people (especially in times of covid). ✨But with #SRF I had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people from all over the world. That has made my time here in Prague very special.”


Master Student FROM ITALY


” I found it thanks to my current flatmate which is also community manager who wrote me (…) and it was the best choice. Thanks to #SRF I met amazing people and we already have a strong friendship, we spend a lot of time together in international dinner, trips and I also celebrate my birthday with them!”


Erasmus Student from france


When I arrived in Prague, I wanted to meet new people, and don’t stay alone. That’s why I chose student room flat.”


Student from SPAIN


“In the beginning, it was really stressful looking for accommodation here in Prague due to the COVID situation, but when I found Student Room Flat, they made everything so much easier and quicker! There is a great co-living environment, always planning events and activities for everyone!”




“With an internship planned in advance, I immediately looked for an apartment with SRF. (…) I am not disappointed by the welcome and the good vibe at Konevova Co-Living!  With fantastic roommates and a top-notch community you won’t be able to find a better place!


Erasmus Intern from slovakia


” I chose to go to Prague eventually and it was a really best decision I could make. Prague is really amazing. Beautiful landscapes, nice and many international people and very cheap. I enjoy living at the Konevova Co-Living!”




“At first I was panicking as I couldn’t find an apartment to live in for a reasonable price! After searching endlessly I came across Srf and found my apartment. I couldn’t have asked for a better place; not only is my flat beautiful, there’s also a strong sense of community with the other tenants. 


Student FROM england


“Initially my accommodation here in Prague was not ideal. However, fortunately, I was able to find a better deal with the team at Student Room Flat. The combination of the flat itself along with my great flatmates makes it a lovely living environment. There is a warm respectful student community here.💙”


Erasmus Student from france


“2 years ago, while I was on Erasmus+ in Prague, a friend booked with Student Room Flat and I found her apartment really cool! Now I’m back and I’m totally loving my experience with SRF at Konevova Co-living! 😊”


Student from france


“I found a student room flat on Facebook and I don’t regret it, I met extraordinary people and I’m enjoying my new life here with them so much! I could not have hoped for better!😎 Anecdote: I live in Bohemian apartment but I spend most of my time in Salvador Dali, which is my second house.”


Student from france


“I decided to live in a co-living to be able to meet new people with different cultures.  Despite my heavy health problems, I have no problem adapting to my life here and to the SRF community.I look forward to more adventures with this new family in and around Prague.”


Student from Mexico


“Student Room Flat first helped me find amazing accommodation but also introduced me to many other international students who are willing to have a great experience abroad like me.I don’t regret a thing. I have met AMAZING people in a GORGEOUS city thanks to Student Room Flat. 🖤”




“This is my first experience abroad (never taken a plane before😅) but it’s a unique experience. I choose Student Room Flat because I was seduced by the concept of the coliving building.🏠 Share a flat and living with only Erasmus people is really cool and it was also a good way to improve my English!🎓”

Javi, Dani & Andy

Students from mexico


“Through Student Flat Room we met really nice people from different countries, and at the events, we could bond with them and created unforgettable memories and friendships. We are leaving soon and we are really thankful for everything we lived in here. We’re really gonna miss Prague. 💞”


Erasmus Student from spain


“At first, finding an apartment in Prague was not easy, especially because my friends and I were looking for an apartment where we could all fit. Here in #Konevova we are already like a family, always making plans, activities, etc. 🍝🤪”

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Student Accommodation

COVID-19 Flexibilní zrušení rezervace

Vaše zdraví a spokojenost jsou a vždy budou naší hlavní prioritou!

Proto jsme vzhledem k nejistotě vyvolané krizí Covid-19 aktualizovali zásady pro zrušení rezervace, abychom našim uživatelům umožnili větší flexibilitu a možnost rezervovat naprosto bez rizika. 

Buď si jistý/a, že:

– pokud univerzita, na které jsi měl/a studovat, nebo společnost, pro kterou jsi měl/a v plánu pracovat v následujících měsících, zruší studijní program nebo stáž z důvodu krize Covid-19,

– pokud ti zákaz cestování nedovolí dorazit do cílové země: Kryjeme ti záda a rezervační poplatky ti budou vráceny v plné výši kdykoliv ti COVID-19 překazí plány! 

Naplánuj své budoucí dobrodružství, zarezervuj bezpečně už teď a tvůj vysněný pokoj na tebe bude čekat.

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