Case Study

Konevova Co-living: From a charmless place to students number one choice in Prague!

Occupancy Rate
0 %
Increase in Unit Revenue
0 %
Increase of Montly Rent
0 %
0 %

The Story

Belonging to the same owner, Konevova Building features ten apartments with an average of four bedrooms each. 

In order to boost the value of the property, Student Room Flat designed a business plan able to increase incomes and reduce maintenance costs. 

The units were designed to offer a comfortable and pleasant accommodation experience to international students looking to find a home abroad.

The Goals

  • Divide the building into individual apartments capable of offering quality accommodation to a community of international students.
  • Construction of a strong concept of flatshare with cosy and modern flats in order to lower the maintenance costs
  • Connect the entire building and create a community of international young students
  • Optimize the monthly rental prices and increase revenues through customer satisfaction

The Process

  • Market Research: understand the demand in the market and what is the universe of Erasmus Students in Prague.
  • Remodeling of the apartments: build flatshare units composed by 4 bedrooms each
  • Property & Community Management: plan an effective property management plan and boost the creation of a happy community 
  • Booking & Communication Plan: development of effective actions to increase the rate of bookings and guarantee a high occupancy rate

The Results

Konenova Student Residence transformed individual units into an apartment building focused on student flatshare. 

  • Apartment Building with a successful booking occupancy rate of 90%;
  • Strong Referral Programmes that brings reservations from worth of mouth;
  • Lower maintenance costs of the property;

By focusing on understanding the needs of student housing we were able to design a new concept that books by himself with more incomes and less maintenance costs.

Do you want to list your property with us?

Student Accommodation

Alojamiento para estudiantes

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