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Where to live in Lille? Best Neighborhoods in Lille


Vauban district is one of the best neighborhoods where to live in Lille. Vauban is one of the most populated and popular student districts in Lille. Close to the Catholic University of Lille, it’s a beautiful neighborhood to discover the typical architecture of the North of France. The district is continuously under renovation to provide the best possible living environment for students during their university stays. You can easily connect Rue Solférino with all the bars and clubs listed for student parties. Next to the Vauban district, is the Citadelle de Lille, the largest green place in Lille where you can have a good time and do sports. 


Being in the heart of Lille, Republique is one of the best neighborhoods in Lille, next to the République museum and other cultural places. It also means to live in the center of the city with easy access to everywhere. You can easily walk in the shopping street of Bethune and the Grand Place. Otherwise, on the opposite way, you could join the Rue Solférino with all of the bar and club addresses for the student parties. Moreover, the train station Lille Flandres is only 15 minutes walk or 2 metro stations, this will allow you to travel easily everywhere in the Lille metropolis and in France. Expect to encounter trendy cafes, cosmopolitan eateries, bustling shopping thoroughfares, and art galleries when living in Lille. This neighborhood is perfect for those looking for student accommodation in Lille and it will be the most appropriate place to live if you want to enjoy your Erasmus trip in Lille with a mix of studies and enjoying life!


Saint-Maurice Pellevoisin is a vibrant area where medieval wooden houses, majestic villas and contemporary buildings coexist. Luxembourg street, lined with offices, contrasts with the trendy cafés around Les Buissonnets and the Jardin des Géants, frequented by young professionals. Faubourg de Roubaix street offers an alternative with its healthy pizzerias and restaurants. A district full of contrasts and energy! It’s also at two metro stations to the Lille Flandres train station; it allows to move in the Lille metropolis without any problem and around the country! St Maurice Pellevoisin district could be the best neighborhoods in Lille for you!


The center of Lille is the most attractive neighborhood to live in Lille, with all the areas around, like the mall center Euralille, Lille Flandres train station and Grand Palais. The life in the center of Lille is bubbling in an intoxicating mix of tradition and modernity. The cobbled streets of the Old Town tell centuries-old stories, while the lively cafés and trendy boutiques embody the contemporary energy of this vibrant metropolis. Locals and visitors mingle on the Grand Place, where the majestic Flemish architecture contrasts with the vitality of the colorful markets. It’s also in this district you could find the University of Political and Social sciences of Lille. To live in the center of Lille gives access to all the city by walking because the city is famous for the proximity of all of touristics places.


Lomme district is one of the quietest neighborhoods you could find to live in Lille. Close to the huge park of the Citadelle and this district along the Deûle, on the other side you can see the city of Lille. Lomme was historically a neighborhood to house railway workers during the beginning of the XXe century. You can easily go to the center of Lille with the metro or the city bus, also by bike crossing the vast park of the Citadelle for a pleasant walk.

Student Accommodation

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