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Where to live in Athens – Accommodation Guide



Athens, the city of arts, wisdom, and gods, has an immense history and an attraction for people from all over the world. Besides the great history this city has, the tourist attractions and dynamism have given a home to many expatriates. However, many people still come to Athens with the intention of staying but do not know the city and its neighborhoods well. For all those people who want to come and have a new life in this city, we will introduce you to the best neighborhoods and other interesting facts that will allow you to better plan your move.


Starting with one of the most alternative options we present Exarcheia. A neighborhood where you can find several taverns, and quite attractive bars in pedestrian streets. Especially known for being the city of rock lovers, you can appreciate a green landscape that gives variety to the sector, Streffi Hill, where you can also experience open-air cinema in the summer!

It is undoubtedly one of the most affordable places in Athens where you can find properties at moderate prices and it’s located in the city center. 

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If you like classic, old architecture and all the Greek style, then you should visit Kifissia, a neighborhood where you can find 19th-century neoclassical mansions combined with today’s modern and minimalist houses. You can also appreciate the tree-lined streets, different shopping options, bars, and hotels. You can find houses with beautiful gardens and apartments with lots of space. However, you should consider that this is one of the most expensive areas in Athens, but it is really worth living there.


Piraeus is a very popular area in Athens, it is its main port and it considers itself a city- a great option for seafood lovers! Its inhabitants are usually strong and tough, but it is an excellent choice where you can find several peculiar neighborhoods. Among the most popular are Kastella, Zea Marina, and Mikrolimano. It is also known for being one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city and its houses usually keep the neoclassical style of two floors. It is located in the southern part of Athens and can be easily accessed via the metro.

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Plaka is known as one of the touristiest neighborhoods in Athens, being right below Acropolis and with great views of Parthenon. Here you will find narrow streets surrounding many ancient sites, museums, 19th-century neoclassical villas, churches, bars, and restaurants. This neighborhood is very popular with both residents and tourists, and you can find a small town, Anafiotika, immersed in it. It is an excellent option and it is in the center of the city, so getting there and out of it is no problem.

Palaio Faliro

Located 6 km from the center of Athens is the Palaio Faliro neighborhood, a place that has become known thanks to the 2004 Olympic Games. Since then there has been much development and progress in the district that has benefited and attracted both Athens residents and foreigners. The atmosphere is quite peaceful; there is a great variety of buses and trams, and of course, many sports facilities.


North of the city center, about 10 km away is the Chalandri neighborhood. This is one of the greenest areas of Athens and is home to several bars, restaurants, and other attractions. It is also one of the most densely populated areas of Athens, with over 70,000 inhabitants. This is also home to the American Community Schools, so it is a convenient option for those who have children and want to live in this city.


In all the neighborhoods of Athens, or at least in those we have mentioned, you can find different means of transportation. In case you are a newcomer you can count on the different services of public transport to move around the city and even between the neighborhoods.

To save some money and avoid many problems you can choose the monthly card. To be able to buy and use this card you must pay 30 euros per month. Many people have the idea that public transport is free, but this is not the case. Previously there was not much control over transport and people used it without paying, but now, if you do not have the card you have to pay 1.40 for each ticket for a trip.

As far as the distance from the neighborhoods we mentioned to the bus stops, subway stations, or trolley stations, they are all relative, but they are always easy to get to and are identified by colored stripes. But to get to any point in the city you can use these three different options; metro, bus, and trolley.

Athens Tourist Attractions

A great aspect about Athens, are its the monuments, attractions, and culture. You have to start by visiting the most famous ones.

Acropolis:There is nothing better to learn about the history of Athens and all of Greece than at the most important place in it. In this, the Upper City, was where the famous cults of ancient Greece were held.

Parthenon: Inside the Acropolis, you will find the Parthenon, the place where the history of Greece lies, and the protagonist of many movie scenes.

Zeus Olympic Temple: Another classic you cannot miss is the Olympia or Olympic Temple of Zeus, built between the 2nd and 6th centuries BC.

Hadrian’s Library: If the history of Athens makes you more and more curious, you can spend hours reading in the great building of Hadrian’s Library, where the ancient collection of Emperor Hadrian remains.

Other attractions and curiosities of Athens

  • Agora Antigua.
  • Roman Agora.
  • Sintagma Square.
  • Dionysus Theatre.
  • Herod’s Odeon Penthouse.


If you are one of those young people who are looking for an adventure, the experience of moving to another city, to another country and experiencing a foreign education, either an Erasmus or independently, we leave you with the list of universities that you will find in Athens.

  • Athens School of Fine Arts.
  • School of Pedagogical and Technological Education
  • Educational Technological Institute of Athens.
  • Panteion University of Economic and Political Sciences of Athens.
  • The Agricultural University of Athens.
  • Athens University of Economics and Business.
  • The National Technical University of Athens.

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