Last rooms available in Porto!
15% OFF in booking fees. Promo Code: PORTO24

Welcome To Prague SRF Community

Join your student community in Prague and make sure you don’t miss all the events, trips and giveaways we have prepared for you! Live the best Erasmus experience in Prague by meeting other international students and interns staying at SRF verified rooms!

Upcoming Events in Prague

Remember to book your spot in the activies that need registration!


Win 3 nights in Porto for FREE!

How It Works

The game runs from 04/04/22 to 04/06/22 and you can join at any moment. To win the prize you must collect at least 150 points.

  • Challenge Only for SRF Community Members

Travel Challenge Card

As soon as you register you’ll receive a Travel Challenge Card. These challenges can be completed by the end of the SRF Game on 04/06/2022

Weekly Challenge Card | Extra Points!

Each week you will also have the opportunity to participate in the Battle Game. These events will be either in group or individual activities that will earn you extra points. A Whatsapp group will be created with all participants where we will communicate these Battle games. By participating in the Battle Game you will automatically receive points.

Enjoy Your Prize!

To win the prize you must collect at least 150 points. The 2 participants with more points will win 3 nights for FREE at Camilo Co-living during the months of June, July, and August of 2022, depending on the availability of the property. And more: each winner can bring one friend to share this amazing experience with!

Weekly Challenge
19/04/04 - 24/04

Are you ready to make some extra points? Complete the weekly challenges and send the photos to your Community Manager before this week’s deadline!

Hi there! I'm Alice

community manager prague

Hello, for the end of the Erasmus spring, I’ll do my best to organize some outside events with the return of the good weather! Also, some indoor events will be organized. If possible, I will suggest at least one excursion!
Don’t hesitate to contact me for any information or ideas 😊


Student Accommodation

COVID-19 Flexibilní zrušení rezervace

Vaše zdraví a spokojenost jsou a vždy budou naší hlavní prioritou!

Proto jsme vzhledem k nejistotě vyvolané krizí Covid-19 aktualizovali zásady pro zrušení rezervace, abychom našim uživatelům umožnili větší flexibilitu a možnost rezervovat naprosto bez rizika. 

Buď si jistý/a, že:

– pokud univerzita, na které jsi měl/a studovat, nebo společnost, pro kterou jsi měl/a v plánu pracovat v následujících měsících, zruší studijní program nebo stáž z důvodu krize Covid-19,

– pokud ti zákaz cestování nedovolí dorazit do cílové země: Kryjeme ti záda a rezervační poplatky ti budou vráceny v plné výši kdykoliv ti COVID-19 překazí plány! 

Naplánuj své budoucí dobrodružství, zarezervuj bezpečně už teď a tvůj vysněný pokoj na tebe bude čekat.

Ověř si všechny aktualizace Podmínek použití Podmínky použití služby