Last rooms available in Porto!
15% OFF in booking fees. Promo Code: PORTO24

Have a great stay in Porto!


Heroísmo Co-living just opened!
The Space

Explore Heroísmo Co-living

Ready for an unforgettable stay at Heroísmo Co-living? Because we are!

This recently renovated co-living space offers 14 private bedrooms, each including a desk and wardrobe. The shared spaces are fully furnished and equipped for your convenience – all you have to do is move in! There’s a spacious living room leading to a big private courtyard that will be the stage for numerous BBQs, ping pong tournaments and sunbathing afternoons!

everything you need for your stay

Meet Your Housemates

Enjoy your experience abroad by downloading the Student Room Flat app. Start chatting with other international people living in town and always stay up to date with the best events!

Community at Heroísmo Co-living

Heroísmo Co-living was designed to generate a community environment that will make you feel at home from the start! The spacious common areas are an open invitation to connect with your housemates and create memorable moments together, from cinema nights to international dinners.


Heroísmo Co-living Location

Heroísmo Co-living is located 20 minutes away by walk from the city centre and also has easy access to the main train and bus station of Porto, Campanhã, allowing you to easily take weekend getaways. 


Metro Station: Heroísmo (3 mins away)
Campanha Station (9 mins away)

Trendy Spots

Groceries and shops: MiniPreço (1 min away) Lidl(9 mins away)
Coffee Shop: von&vonnie microroasters (1 min away)
Restaurants: Tasquinha Rebelo (2 mins away)

rooms & Prices

Book your stay at Heroísmo Coliving

Book your student room in Porto at Heroísmo Co-living and ensure a comfortable stay in Porto! We hope the travel thematic of these co-living rooms inspires you to dream of amazing destinations worldwide!

Ready to book your stay in Heroísmo Coliving?

Need help booking your room?

Shoot us an email and let us know your preferences. Are you coming alone or with a group of friends or coworkers? We’ll help you book the perfect accommodation in Porto!

Student Accommodation

COVID-19 Flexibilní zrušení rezervace

Vaše zdraví a spokojenost jsou a vždy budou naší hlavní prioritou!

Proto jsme vzhledem k nejistotě vyvolané krizí Covid-19 aktualizovali zásady pro zrušení rezervace, abychom našim uživatelům umožnili větší flexibilitu a možnost rezervovat naprosto bez rizika. 

Buď si jistý/a, že:

– pokud univerzita, na které jsi měl/a studovat, nebo společnost, pro kterou jsi měl/a v plánu pracovat v následujících měsících, zruší studijní program nebo stáž z důvodu krize Covid-19,

– pokud ti zákaz cestování nedovolí dorazit do cílové země: Kryjeme ti záda a rezervační poplatky ti budou vráceny v plné výši kdykoliv ti COVID-19 překazí plány! 

Naplánuj své budoucí dobrodružství, zarezervuj bezpečně už teď a tvůj vysněný pokoj na tebe bude čekat.

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