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10 Things To Do in Prague During Your Erasmus+

Explore the Best Things To Do in Prague

The capital of the Czech Republic, Prague is one of the most preferred destinations for students to live in Europe. This city boasts an unmatched sheer beauty and offers a lot more that attracts millions of people every year. With its medieval style, vibrant food and drink scene, bustling nightlife, and affordable cost of living, it is quite easy to see why it is a good choice for Erasmus+.

The city offers plenty of opportunities to have a good time during your programme. Let us talk about the top fun things you can do while in Prague for your Erasmus+.

  1. Wander through the Old Town Square

This activity tops the things to do for tourists but is seriously one of the most exciting experiences during your stay in Prague. The Old Town Square stands untouched since the 10th century, making it the ideal spot to admire the amazing architecture the city has to offer. The historical streets are crowded with tourists exploring the Gothic-style church, the surrounding, and the restaurants. If you are not much into learning history, you are sure to stay entertained by musicians, merchants, and street performers lining the streets.

Prague Oldtown

  1. Catch the sunset from different spots

Sunsets in Prague are some of the most outstanding ones. While enjoying the city transitioning from day to night is one of the best things you can do at the end of a tiring day, you can actually try and discover endless spots to experience this view differently every day. One of the best places to hang out at sunset is the Riegrovy Sady. However, spending an evening by the river is also something not worth missing on. Rays of light and vibrant hues in the water change beautifully as the sun sets. You can always grab a few pilsners and find the perfect point to relax and enjoy the day’s end.

  1. Try local foods and drinks

An important aspect of the Czech Republic and Prague is their beer and food delicacies. Beer holds a significant place in the Czech Republic’s culture. It is not uncommon to find people drinking beer each night. Cheap prices and fine taste combine to make it a custom for locals as well as students. Talking about the cuisine, it is quite different from French, Turkish, or any other you know. The trdelnik is a famous local dessert worth trying here. Another delicacy recommended for foodies is the pickled cheese often accompanied by a cold glass of pivo.


  1. Test yourself at the numerous escape games

An interesting activity you can indulge in during your free time is trying your luck and knowledge at solving escape games  –  and Prague really has escape games for all tastes!

We give you the example of MindMaze and their Alchemist’s Chamber escape game. When you enter this MindMaze escape room, you are locked in an Alchemist chamber and need to escape within 60 minutes by solving some puzzles and riddles. At the first sight, the chamber looks old-fashioned but as you start exploring the objects around, you realize that there is so much to the small room. You can take  friends with you as teams are permitted ( and needed!)

  1. Learn the Czech language for fun

If you are staying in Prague for your Erasmus+, it is a good idea to learn to communicate in the Czech language. Though the locals have basic English knowledge due to the number of tourists visiting the place, you may benefit from learning the local language if you are planning to spend a few months. You can find many schools offering language classes in Prague and can even choose to learn the language through a mobile app.

  1. Explore the clubs and pubs

As Prague is famous for parties, you will be able to choose from a large number of clubs and pubs. Most of these operate exclusively for international students and offer customized drinks and music for the different tastes of clients. Hany Bany, Dog’s Bar, U Sudu Wine Bar, and the Duplex Club are some great places for students. Many of these places are situated underground, making the experience more exciting and fun.


  1. Try hiking

Many don’t know that the hills around Prague are home to some of the best hiking trails. These trails are not only epic but also one of the best ways to explore another side of Prague. You can head to one of these spots with friends in your free time and hike through spectacular greens, secluded parks, and down the terrain for a one-of-a-kind of experience. If you are looking for some adventure and fun during your Erasmus+, this activity is something you must try.

  1. Hike to Prague Castle

While you can always take the standard route to Prague Castle, you can try something different and take the off-beaten path of Prague by hiking through Chotkovy Sady. You simply need to walk along the river past Prague Castle and wander through the city park to experience the peace and beauty as you approach the iconic castle. It is not at all strenuous and is certainly worthwhile to do when in Prague for your Erasmus+.

Prague Castle

  1. Enjoy a beer at the Vltava river

An impressive thing about the Czech Republic is that you are allowed to drink publicly. Whenever you are looking for some refreshment, you can head to the Vltava river and enjoy your favourite drink with a large number of people here. You can find many pop-up bars along the shore offering tasty drinks at affordable prices. For a more exciting experience, jump on a floating bar sets up on a boat. These bars get filled with locals and tourists on weekends but make an amazing spot if you want to explore the nightlife in Prague at its best.


  1. Visit the churches

If you are somebody who loves churches, make sure you don’t miss a visit to the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. The present structure is a makeover in neo-Gothic style though it was originally built in the 11th century. Consider heading to the church in the evening to see its beauty under the lights and enjoy the sunset from a nearby park.

Are these the best 10 things to do in Prague during your Erasmus+?

With so much to do and explore, Prague is certainly an ideal destination for your Erasmus+ programme. Whether you like food, parties, drinks, art, adventure, or history, there is always something to experience in Prague and make memories with.

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