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My Internship in Porto by Carlos Neumann

Meet Carlos, a student joining Student Room Flat for an internship in Porto, Portugal. With his proactivity, positive attitude and international background we’re sure Carlos will have a memorable experience as Partnerships and Booking Assistant. Let’s get to know more about his adventure, shall we?

Hello, I´m Carlos!

I was born and raised in São Paulo (southeast Brazil), but I am doing my bachelor’s in International Business at the HU, the University of Applied Sciences of Utrecht (the Netherlands). I came to Porto to join the amazing Student Room Flat team for my first internship, in hopes of developing myself not merely as a professional, but also as a person. I missed my country’s culture and the life I had there, filled with sun, friendly people and great food, so I decided to look for an internship in Portugal, and that is how I came across the Partnership and Booking assistant position at SRF! I am motivated and willing to grow as a professional and the company gave me the opportunity to do exactly that. As soon as I mentioned my interest in digital marketing, I was offered opportunities to learn and develop myself with the outstanding digital marketing team at SRF, showing that they are not only concerned with what I can bring to the table as an intern but how they can help me grow as one of their own. It did not even take a week until my manager started inviting me to join him in calls with our customers and partners, so I could develop myself in other aspects of the company I was showing interest in.

From the first interview, I knew the vibe at SRF was something immaculate. All my superiors treated me with respect and heard me as if I was one of them. They were not stuck in the boss/employee mindset, from day one my opinions, ideas and inputs were heard and valued, making me feel a part of the team.

The contact was easy, even before I was working here they were always available to help me, including as a customer, since I am also living in one of SRF´s amazing accommodations, Camilo Co-living, in the city centre of Porto. Where I made friends and memories, since the moment I arrived in the house.

I am extremely excited for my semester here, the city truly is a one-of-a-kind experience, a place to explore and make memories that will last a lifetime. The city and its culture are vibrant and the variety of people makes it easier to find a perfect balance between Brazilian, Portuguese and international friends. I am learning about new cultures and exploring Portugal at the same pace that I am rediscovering my own culture through the corners of the country. It feels as if I found my second home, both at SRF and in this country.”

If like Carlos you’d like to find an internship in Porto, make sure you check our careers page.

In case you’re looking for an awesome Erasmus house-sharing experience in Porto make sure you check all the amazing student accommodation options we have available for you.

Student Accommodation

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– pokud univerzita, na které jsi měl/a studovat, nebo společnost, pro kterou jsi měl/a v plánu pracovat v následujících měsících, zruší studijní program nebo stáž z důvodu krize Covid-19,

– pokud ti zákaz cestování nedovolí dorazit do cílové země: Kryjeme ti záda a rezervační poplatky ti budou vráceny v plné výši kdykoliv ti COVID-19 překazí plány! 

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