5 Must-Have Apps for Erasmus Students 

5 Must-Have Apps for Erasmus Students 

It might seem that Erasmus is all about fun and parties – and honestly, around 60% of it probably is-  but adulting abroad can be a real challenge! We know you’ll be all busy with places to go and people to see, so no worries we got you covered with these 5 apps that promise to help you keep your life abroad organized allowing you to focus on what matters. Let’s go!


As someone once said, “ Good accountancy makes good friends”. That’s why Splitwise is one of the most useful apps for Erasmus out here.

Don’t let the “who’s turn it is to buy toilet paper?” discussion becomes a reason for disagreement in your flat. With Splitwise you can register your flat’s common expenses to keep track of shopping expenses, shared bills, rent and more. 

When travelling this is also a powerful app that will make sure your adventures don’t get spoiled with any misunderstanding. You were the one buying the train tickets? Just add it to Splitwise and your trip buddies will be able to know how much they owe you. 

Too Good to Go

Shopping is a thing when you’re living abroad – especially if it is your first time living without your parents! My mother always told me “ You can save on many things, but in food, you spend it all!” I bet she did not know about Too Good to Go, an app that allows you to access discounted food, in perfect condition, that otherwise would be thrown into the trash by restaurants, grocery shops and coffee places purely by being surplus food of the day. Save your coins while saving the planning by avoiding food waste, what could be better?

Student Room Flat App

 If you want to have your entire Erasmus life in one app – from booking your stay in cool international flatshares to accessing International students-only meetups and discounts-   SRF is the number one Erasmus app!|The amount of pain points this app removes from your international experience is insane! You can use it to safely book your room abroad, chat with other international tenants from the big SRF community including your future flatmates, create your events or join SRF-promoted hangouts! And on top of all of this, you can navigate a social map showing you the trendiest spots in the city you’re living in,  or simply visiting, as the big network of partners offering discounts to SRF users. Join the exclusive waiting list and be one of the first ones to get notified of the launch!

Erasmus App


Learning a new language during your Erasmus has tons of purposes: quick grocery shop chit-chat with the local cashiers, making academic presentations in English sound a bit more fluid or simply the fun of practising the language of love with that new French housemate. Duolingo is an app that makes learning and practising a new language fun, useful and very simple. You can even learn how to speak High Valyrian, how epic would that be? This is one of the most useful apps for Erasmus that you can download during your time abroad.


 Getting around your city with ease is a must and Citymapper as the name says is one of the best options. Access info on all public transport available in your city and alternative options such as bike sharing, for example. This app is also handy when you travel during your Erasmus experience- and we can imagine weekend trips will be a thing at this time of your life!

What do you think about these 5 apps for Erasmus? Do they deserve a place in your phone? Let us know if you have other apps that should be mentioned in this list and help us bring the best content to all international students!

Student Accommodation