Erasmus Life

Make your Erasmus Life you Best Life! Learn the tricks and tips that will make your stay abroad even better!

I shared my room during my Erasmus+!

Erasmus+ is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Speaking from experience, traveling through this program is something unique, especially sharing a flat in the center of the city

#insidemySRF with Rita Rocha

This week we get #insidemySRF with Rita Rocha, Student Room Flat’s Hosts and Sales Manager! With the strong personality of any typical woman from the

#insidemySRF with Ane Garcia

We know quarantine can be rough, but we have good news: you are not alone! Just like you thousands of other international students, interns and

Young women digital nomad working in her laptop

How to Become a Digital Nomad

Digital Nomad, to be or not to be? Believe it or not the term “Nomads” is as ancient as civilization! It is usually used to

Student Accommodation