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You are in Prague for one semester or more and you would like to discover other places in Czech Republic. Find here 5 places to visit during your stay.

1. Terezín

Terezín is a one-day trip to the North of Prague. You can access it by bus from Prague’s main bus station and the ride takes about one hour.

Terezín is a former military fortress and citadel that was converted into a Jewish ghetto and concentration camp by the Nazis in 1940. This is a place full of History where you can visit the Small Fortress, the Ghetto Museum and the Magdeburg Barracks.

Here you can find the price list and opening hours:




 2. Kutná Hora

Spend some time in the area of Kutná Hora.

Depending on if you go by train, bus or car it will take around one or two hours from Prague until you arrive at the city of silver, which can be considered a national treasure.

Kutná Hora offers multiple places to visit. One main attraction is the enormous St. Barbara’s Cathedral,with its beautiful architecture. You can also go to the Hrádek – Czech Museum of Silver and medieval silver mine where you will learn how raw silver was mined and processed during the towns glory years.

Then you can visit the most sensational attraction of the town, Sedlec Ossuary, the famous “bone church”. The inside of the small church is decorated using the bones of over 40,000 people, most of which died during the Black Plague that swept across Europe in the 1400s.

Enjoy walking in the streets and try one of its nice restaurants into the pedestrian alley.

One last tip: go down to the river and enjoy the view of the incredible cathedral, which towers over the town.


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 3. Český Krumlov

A beautiful place to spend a gorgeous weekend away!

Located in the Bohemian region of Czech Republic, you can access this place by bus, train or even rent a car. There you will enjoy the beauty of the castle and its gardens full of flowers.

During summer season you can also enjoy the International Music Festival Český Krumlov. Established in 1992 it is the longest-running summer music festival in the Czech Republic.

If you like sporting activities, you can also join the other kayakers and canoers through the Vltava river! It should be a lot of fun!

In case you are a fan of Museums, you can get the Cesky Krumlov Card, for 300 CZK.

The card includes:

  • Castle Museum and Castle Tower
  • Český Krumlov Regional Museum
  • Museum Fotoatelier Seidel
  • Egon Schiele Art Centrum
  • Monasteries Český Krumlov


Český Krumlov



 4. Olomouc

Olomouc is located completely to the east of Prague. You can access directly from the capital by train, bus or by car in two to three hours.

With Brno, Olomouc is the center of history, politics, religion and university life in the Moravian region.

The city is full of surprising architecture: churches, monasteries, fountains, streets and other monuments that will all amaze you!

It is also possible to buy the Olomouc Card. This city card gives you free access to public transportation and free entrance to multiple attractions in Olomouc and around. You can choose between the 48 hours or the 5 days card.

Finally, you cannot leave Olomouc without tasting the amazing Moravian wine and local beers!





5. Karlovy Vary

Located to the North-West of Prague, Karlovy Vary is mainly known for its spa treatment.

It is also very popular during the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival the city organizes every year at the end of June. This festival is one of the oldest in the world and one of Europe’s major film events.

If you decide to visit Karlovy Vary, you might be surprised by the architecture of the buildings which share a resemblance to those in Austria or Russia. This is because the city attracted and still attracts a lot of German, Austrian and Russian families and celebrities.

At any season, the place keeps its beauty that you can enjoy from the hills that surround the town.


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Wherever you decide to go out of those 5 destinations, if you want to stay more than one day, never forget that Czech Republic is full of amazing trails and incredible castles everywhere. So don’t hesitate to explore around those cities and towns to taste a bit more of the Czech essence!

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