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7 Reasons To Study In Berlin – UPDATED 2024

7 Reasons To Study In Berlin

Should you study in Berlin? With several top-ranked universities and lively cities boasting rich culture and history as well as comfortable living conditions, Germany has recently gained a lot of popularity among international students. Berlin, the capital of Germany, is a renowned European city in the higher education landscape with a strong community and some world-famous educational institutions.  As the EU’s Erasmus+ in Berlin continues to gain momentum, it has become a hub for students from all across Europe to meet and experience each other’s cultures. The multicultural city has an ever-expanding population of students for many reasons. Let us take a look at a few factors responsible for the popularity of Berlin as a choice for higher studies.

1. Ok Cost of Living if you Study In Berlin

Talking about the cost of living, Berlin is 35% cheaper than London. Students can expect to enjoy a much more affordable yet high-quality living due to various offers and discounts available to them.

As a student, you can travel for free around the city and enjoy discounted rates at retail and department stores to save money. Many other places like galleries and libraries offer special student discounts, making it a great place to take a course. Everything from accommodation and food to travel and recreation can be cheaper if you study in Berlin.

2. Culture

If you are enthusiastic about exploring different cultures, studying in Berlin offers you immense opportunities to get to know the German culture in your way. Berlin is home to more than 150 museums, 50 theatres, and 3 opera houses; its vibrant cultural scene attracts students and fascinates alike.

Whether you live in a rural or urban setting, there is so much to explore and experience around Berlin in your free time. Those who are keen on learning about new places will never be bored of the events, exhibitions, galleries, and shows conducted in Berlin throughout the year. Deciding to study in Berlin is the best way to experience the rich culture of Germany.

3. Study in Berlin for High-Quality Education

Berlin is a German city that offers students global exposure through high-quality education that matches international standards. Public universities charge no tuition fees on the courses while other institutions offer scholarships and financing options to help you secure a spot at your favorite university or college.

When you study in Berlin, you have so many options to pursue your education as long as you are proficient in English. There are many German universities offering prestigious programs in science, business, web development, and other faculties. You can choose from five public and more than 20 private, technical, and professional colleges and universities offering several courses across disciplines.

4. Networking Opportunities

Studying abroad in Berlin presents you with an amazing opportunity to network with fellow students having the same interests as you. As this city attracts people from different parts of the world, you will find a strong, diverse international community of students and professionals to connect with.

You can always find somebody to communicate with and discuss your academics during your stay in Berlin. With more than 1,60,000 students across the city, making friends is quite easy here. Such a strong community also means language is not a barrier you should worry about.

Many programs in business and other disciplines include projects where you get a chance to work with other students as well as German companies. This helps you network with professionals in the industry which proves to be useful when you are looking for a job after completion of your studies.

5. Exciting Life

If you find some time away from your studies during weekends or holidays, there is so much to do in Berlin. Apart from art museums and cultural spots, Berlin offers so much for recreation and enjoyment. The city is famous for its nightlife and clubs; you can always head out to one of the bars or clubs with your friends and try out Germany’s famous beers.

Berlin has some of the most diverse clubs; whatever the time of the day, you find something going on. Whether you like traditional pubs, classy wine bars, or nightclubs that always stay open, there is so much to take your fancy. With so much to enjoy, there is never going to be a dull moment in your life when you study in Berlin.

6.  Accommodation Options When You Study in Berlin

There are plenty of options for student housing in Berlin, many targeted especially towards Erasmus accommodation in Berlin.

These residences are located close to your university and give you a chance to meet new people and other students. If when you study in Berlin you don’t prefer to stay at such a residence, you can always rent a room or house near your university for the entire term of your study.

Rented options can be expensive in Berlin; with the help of Student Room Flat, you can easily find an apartment on a shared basis in the city centre or the proximity of your college in budget. Staying close to the institution saves you on transportation costs as well.

7. German Language

Studying in Berlin also offers a great perk of being exposed to the German language and the opportunity to learn it. Even when you can find so many courses and programs in the English language, living in Germany provides you with the perfect chance to improve your language skills. Though most people can communicate in English, you can enjoy a more personal experience of being able to talk to the citizens in their native language.

German is one of the official languages of the European Union and the corporate language of most German companies. If you choose to learn the language while studying in Berlin, you increase your employability and improve your skill set. The language department at universities offers cheap German language courses for international students.

There are several other schools and departments in Berlin offering language courses you can benefit from. While these courses can help you learn writing and grammar, it is best to use the language practically with other international students to master it.

If you are not sure whether Berlin is the right choice for your further studies, these reasons should help you make the decision. This German city offers you a high-quality lifestyle on a budget and so much to do and explore in your free time. Berlin is certainly one of the best destinations for international students!

Remember that Student Room Flat is here to help you find the best student accommodation in Berlin most safely and easily, all 100% online. You can join our growing community of students from all over the world!

Student Accommodation

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