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10 Things To Do in Barcelona During Your Erasmus+

Discover the Best Things To Do in Barcelona During Your Erasmus+

Barcelona is one of the most iconic Spanish cities known for its art, architecture, history, and landmarks. It is a versatile place that prides itself on being a cosmopolitan city in Spain. It welcomes people from different corners of the world and boasts a mix of cultures, lots of sights and activities, apart from the sun and beach. Not only does Barcelona offer you the perfect place to start your Erasmus+ but also an opportunity to make the best memories of life.

Here are some of the things you should consider doing during your Erasmus+ programme in Barcelona.

1. Taste local food

When you live in another country for your study programme, experiencing its traditions and culture is one of the things you must do. Food is a big part of Spanish culture, so tasting local foods is a great way to experience the culture. Spain is famous for its delicious culinary items and is known worldwide for its tapas. You can find a large number of specialized restaurants where you can try a variety of tapas. You should also visit a pincho’s restaurant to try out the unique kind of tapa at cheap prices. Some spots will even offer you delicious pincho at only 1 euro per piece.

2. Enjoy one-day trips

Though Barcelona is a big city with a lot to do, you might want to explore the surroundings during your Erasmus+ stay. As there are so many beautiful places around the city, Erasmus Barcelona organizes various one-day trips to the Fallas Festival and Montserrat or longer trips to Giraltar, Andalucia, and more.

A good thing about these trips is that you have fellow Erasmus students from other parts of the world traveling with you. Things like transportation, activities, and accommodation are generally organized during such trips but you find a lot of free time to experience the location with your friends.

3. Watch a traditional dance show

Spain is known for some typical dances like the Sardana and the Flamenco; Barcelona is a great place to experience these traditions. The city hosts so many dance shows you can watch live in a restaurant or bar while eating or drinking. You can even enjoy these dances on the streets of the city.

The folk dance of Sardana can be watched near the Cathedral of Barcelona. This dance symbolizes unity and involves dancing in a circle hand-in-hand. Flamenco is performed in a duo and consists of clapping and guitar playing. Los Tarantos at Placa Reial is one of the best places to watch this dance.

4. Explore the museums

As Barcelona is a tourist spot, there are so many museums depicting the rich history of the city. Though visiting museums sounds boring to most students, this vibrant city is sure to appeal to everybody as you can find varied types of museums from chocolate to art. Some of the most popular of these are MACBA, museu Picasso, and CAIXA forum. If you are not much interested in exploring works of art, you can head to the chocolate museum, erotic museum, hash, hemp & marihuana museum.

5. Take a walking tour

One of the most exciting things you can do during your Erasmus+ in Barcelona is to take a walking tour along the city to get to know it from the inside out. This will not only allow you to orientate better and get a detailed view of the structures but also learn more about museums, buildings, and the history of this world-famous city.


6. Take a tour of Camp Nou

If you are a football fan, Spain has so much to offer you! When living in Barcelona for your Erasmus+, you should not miss a tour of the famous Futbol stadium Camp Nou. It is one of the biggest in Europe and a must-visit place during your stay in Barcelona. You take a walk through the FC Barcelona museum to see the Camp Nou stadium. You will be guided to the player changing rooms, the tunnel, television studio, commentary boxes, and the stadium outdoors.

7. Take in the sights on a helicopter tour

One of the most exciting things you can do when in Barcelona is to take a helicopter tour of the city. It is a great way to enjoy the aerial views of the beautiful landscapes as you soar through the skies. The Costa Tour will fly you over wonderful beaches giving sights of the main landmarks. You can also choose the SkyTour that takes you over famous points like Camp Nou and others in the city.

8. Hit the beach

La Barceloneta beach is only a short walking distance from the city center, so you can always head there during your free time or at the end of a tiring day when in Barcelona for your Erasmus+. Even in winter, this beach is a nice place to sit and unwind while listening to the waves crashing against the shore. During hot months, you need to make sure you reach early to get the best spot as more people are seen relaxing here.

9. Visit Gracia

Known for impressive shops, funky bars, and street performers, Gracia is an amazing place to enjoy hot noon for a change. Living in Barcelona for your Erasmus+ programme gives you a chance to explore the beautiful neighborhoods and Gracia is a must-visit. You can hang out with friends, relax on the terrace with some tapas, and enjoy the local vibe to experience what it is like living in the quieter part of Barcelona.

10. Hike up Tibidabo

An amazing thing to do in Barcelona during your Erasmus+ programme, climbing the top of Tibidabo lets you enjoy some great city views. The massive hill boasts over 120 years of history as a part of the city’s culture and leisure. The amusement park on the hill offers a unique experience. Hop on the Ferris wheel to have a 360-degree view of the city and the surrounding from the highest possible point.


Are these the best 10 things to do in Barcelona during your Erasmus+?

Barcelona is one of the best destinations for international students and offers favorable living conditions for a great experience. If you choose to join the Erasmus+ programme in Barcelona, there is a lot you can do in your free time and during the holidays. Whatever is your interest, there is always something or the other for you to enjoy and make the most of your stay!

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