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5 Erasmus Packing Essentials!

It’s back-to-school season and your Erasmus departure is just around the corner! The time has come for packing and you don’t know where to start? Well here is our Erasmus packing essentials list, which will guide you through it and remind you of all the necessities.

1. Clothing

It might seem obvious but trust us, you’ll get lost as to what to take, and what to leave behind. Unfortunately, it’s a bit tricky to bring all the clothes you own in just a few suitcases, so you’ll have to make strategic choices.

First things first, inform yourself of the climate and average weather of your Erasmus destination country/city. If you’re going in a cold place during a cold season, then although it might be tempting, don’t take your fancy summer clothes, they’ll just end up being a waste of space. Do remember to pack very warm clothes, scarves, hats, and even gloves, even if you don’t own them, it’s a smart investment and you’ll be very happy to have them when needed. Now on the contrary, if you’re going to a rather warm place, take light clothes of course, but you should still take a few warm pieces of clothing just in case, better safe than sorry.

Since you’ll be on an exciting Erasmus experience you might need more specific things. For example, even if you’re going to Lituania in the middle of winter, remember to take your swimsuit (you never know what awaits you during Erasmus), and remember to pack your best party outfits!

2. Toiletry bag

You’ll be away from your home for a rather long period, and depending on where you’re going, they either won’t sell the products you’re used to, or the prices might be significantly more expensive. For this reason, we encourage you to restock all the essentials of your daily routine, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, intimate soap (for girls), facial cleanser, etc… before your departure. You don’t want to face the uncomfortable situation of being forced to use products that don’t fit your usual routine, or having to buy them at a ridiculously expensive price.

For girls, we also advise you to prepare a stock of hygienic protections, tampons, pads, intimate wipes etc…

3. Bed linens & towels

Make sure to check beforehand if your apartment/student housing/flatshare provides tenants with bed linens and towels. If not we advise you to pack at least one set of bed linens and be careful, some countries have different bed sizes, which means you’ll have to buy specific bed linens. For the towels, prepare two of them to have the possibility of alternating when one is in the wash.

4. The pharmacy

As mentioned in our blog post ‘3 Things You Can’t Forget To Check Before Leaving For Erasmus!, prepare a stock of all essential medicines you’re used to taking, whether they are for a specific health issue, or just the basic ones you may need if you catch something current like the flue or a cold, painkillers and even food supplements. This is one of the most important things to pack although it is often forgotten.

Medical consultations and medicines can be very expensive if you don’t have insurance, and even if you do, your destination country might not have the medicines you need, that you are used to, or that are as efficient. To save money and care for your health, make sure to prepare your little pharmacy thoroughly, because once again, better safe than sorry.

5. The comfort items

The comfort items concern all the extra things to bring with you to feel comfortable enough in your daily life abroad, which will participate greatly in feeling at home, and pushing away homesickness.

For example, take items from the decoration of your room back at home, like pictures you can hang of your family, friends, Bf/Gf, pets etc… If you have teddy bears don’t be ashamed of taking them with you. If you have certain activities you appreciate like painting or reading then bring as much as you can fit with you. If you like listening to music and you own a speaker, then it will also be a good idea to take it with you. In general, anything that will make your new place feel more personal and safe should be in your suitcase!

Some extra comfort items that we advise you to bring along if you are moving in a flatshare or co-living during your Erasmus, are plant-based sleeping pills and earplugs, trust us you’ll probably need them at some point!

There you go! You probably have all the Erasmus packing essentials in your suitcases to guarantee a safe and comfortable trip abroad! Now all that’s left to do is hop on your flight and check in your dream room previously booked on our platform😉.

Student Accommodation

COVID-19 Flexibilní zrušení rezervace

Vaše zdraví a spokojenost jsou a vždy budou naší hlavní prioritou!

Proto jsme vzhledem k nejistotě vyvolané krizí Covid-19 aktualizovali zásady pro zrušení rezervace, abychom našim uživatelům umožnili větší flexibilitu a možnost rezervovat naprosto bez rizika. 

Buď si jistý/a, že:

– pokud univerzita, na které jsi měl/a studovat, nebo společnost, pro kterou jsi měl/a v plánu pracovat v následujících měsících, zruší studijní program nebo stáž z důvodu krize Covid-19,

– pokud ti zákaz cestování nedovolí dorazit do cílové země: Kryjeme ti záda a rezervační poplatky ti budou vráceny v plné výši kdykoliv ti COVID-19 překazí plány! 

Naplánuj své budoucí dobrodružství, zarezervuj bezpečně už teď a tvůj vysněný pokoj na tebe bude čekat.

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