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7 Reasons To Study In Milan – UPDATED 2024

7 Reasons To Study In Milan

Ready to study in Milan? Studying abroad is a lifetime experience that gives you a chance to discover new cultures and languages, meet new people, explore new places, try new foods, and expand your network. Such an experience makes you more flexible and open-minded.

If you are thinking about taking a study program in Italy, there are so many destinations to choose from but Milan seems to be ranked as a top choice among international students.

Milan is a lively Italian international hub where a large number of students and professionals flock every year to kick off their academics and careers. The city has so many private and public universities providing quality education across faculties. Here are some reasons why studying in Milan is a great decision.

1. Best Universities When you Study in Milan

One of the top reasons why Milan is a great place to study abroad is that it is home to some of the most prestigious universities in the world; the best universities in Italy are located here.

The University of Milan, Bocconi University, and Politecnico di Milano are some of the biggest universities that offer degrees in different faculties like law, business administration, engineering, and architecture among others.

These institutions have an outstanding staff of esteemed, experienced professors from across the world. The universities also offer opportunities for students to get involved through organizations and clubs along with cultural events such as festivals and concerts held throughout the year.

2. Culture & Sightseeing

When you are taking a degree in Italy, there is no reason to miss living close to some of the UNESCO-recognized world heritage sites.

Though Milan is known for fashion shopping, it surprises you with so many cultural landmarks and spots like the ’99 museum, Sant ‘Ambrogio, The Royal Palace, and other locations.

You will certainly enjoy living in an artistic city with a rich culture. There are also many public libraries here where you can borrow novels, read newspapers, and study for your exams.

3. Study in Milan and Enjoy Delicious Food

There is no doubt that Italian food is one of the best in the world. Studying in Milan gives you an opportunity to experience Italian cuisine to its best.

Apart from varieties of authentic pizzas and pasta, the local Milanese dishes like Cotoletta and Risotto are worth giving a try. These local delicacies can be enjoyed at affordable prices and make a great meal.

If you are not very fond of Milanese dishes, the city also has a variety of regional as well as world tastes. You can head to any of the Michelin-starred restaurants in the city to enjoy your favorite dishes from across the world.

Those who cannot afford them can try local markets to find some fresh produce and delicious treats. There are so many pizzerias, street food stalls, and kebab shops all around to provide you with something to eat all the time.

4. Great Spaces to Study in Milan

Another great reason to study in Milan is the number of study spaces you find throughout the city where you get the perfect atmosphere to go through your lessons. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is a great place for students as there are more than 200 boutiques and shops located in a huge marble structure which has always remained a popular shopping centre.

You can also head to one of the study spaces situated in Milan to sit comfortably for hours together. These spaces often have libraries and coffee shops to provide you with the right experience. You could also walk around the town to pick your favourite drink from cafes or restaurants along the streets and enjoy a few hours of study outdoors as there is no shortage of spots to sit down with your books.

5. Easy Transportation

Though Milan has a lot of crowds and traffic all around, the public transport system made up of buses, trains, and trams is quite effective and affordable; it offers good discounts for students. These transport modes generally stop at night, but buses and trams keep working all night on weekends. You can also find many other options like car and bike sharing to move around in Milan.

Public transportation is fast and easy; it lets you explore various parts of the city that you won’t otherwise get to know. Moreover, they are quite better than handling the traffic while driving or spending on taxis. The extensive transport system covers all the areas of Milan. Amazing public facilities in the city is one of the major reasons to study in Milan.

6. Large Community of International Students

Milan is a city filled with colours and adventures. From the loud cosmopolitan centre to the bohemian locations, there is no shortage of things to do around Milan. The Erasmus+ in Milan has made the city a melting pot for students from across the world.

Though Italian is mainly spoken in Milan, you can hear different languages including French, English, and Spanish here when you study in Milan. Milan’s large international community is the main reason so many students across the world prefer it for their study abroad programs.

7. Amazing Nightlife

Is vibrant nightlife what you are looking for when you study in Milan? Great, because this city is famous for many things one of which is its nightlife. The city is home to some of the most lively bars and clubs that offer a wide range of opportunities for every taste and budget. The live music scene here is simply fascinating.

Whether you like a classical music concert or a DJ party, Milan has it all for you. Porta Venezia, Moscova, and Navigli are some of the places with great bars and clubs where you can enjoy your weekend with friends.

Given the low cost of student housing in Milan, all of these options remain possible, and an ever-present opportunity. Most student housing zones in the city are hotbeds for nightlife activities.

Studying abroad is a unique opportunity that every student must consider as it not only gives you access to high-quality education but also lets you explore new cultures and experiences. If you are thinking about starting to study in Milan, you should certainly not hesitate. The city is warm and welcoming with fascinating culture and affordable living conditions, making it one of the best options for international students.

Remember that Student Room Flat is here to help you find the best student accommodation in Milan most safely and easily, all 100% online. You can join our growing community of students from all over the world!

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