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7 Reasons To Study In Florence – UPDATED 2024

7 Reasons To Study In Florence

Thinking about going to study in Florence? When it comes to choosing a destination to study abroad, the decision can be difficult with so many countries and cities to pick from.

Florence is one of the favourite options among students looking to undertake further studies. A large number of students from across the world flock to Florence every year to take their degrees in various faculties. It also attracts throngs of students as part of the Erasmus+ in Florence, the popular EU program for promoting education, youth, training, and sports.

In this post, let us take a look at some top reasons why you should study in Florence.

1. Perfect Location For Travellers who Study in Florence

As Florence is situated in the centre of Italy, it is quite easy to travel to major cities of Italy through the fast network of trains.

It is also located at the heart of Tuscany which means you can conveniently visit significant locations around the region in your free time. The neighbourhoods are filled with rich history and natural beauty worth exploring during your stay in this city.

The airports in Pisa, Florence, and Bologna offer you a quick gateway to the major European destinations. So, if you always wanted to explore Europe, taking a course in Florence is a great way to accomplish your travel goals.

2. Art & Culture

Florence is the first region to have a museum in the world. It hosts some unique pieces of art created by Renaissance geniuses including Donatello, Masaccio, Giotto, Leonardo, and others. Several creative independent artisans still work in their workshops in Florence. While you study in Florence, you can visit the famous Uffizi to explore art pieces like ‘The Birth of Venus’ and ‘The Adoration of the Magi’.

When you walk outdoors across the city, you are likely to see chalk artists drawing on the streets. If you are an art lover, you can check out the Bargello National Museum and Opera del Duomo which feature great architecture and a collection of Italian sculptures.

3. Relaxing Atmosphere

Florence is a small city that gives you a home-like feel even when you are away from your comfort zone. Though it is a busy place with crowds and visitors all over, you can always find a corner to relax. The Piazza Santo Spirito is a popular place for people-watching; it is lined with trees and has pavement cafes.

When you study in Florence you can also find so many beautiful parks and landscapes to sit and relax on an afternoon with your books. If you need some pampering, you can visit one of the best spas and bath resorts in Tuscany as Florence is very close to these regions boasting so many natural hot springs.

4. Great For Foodies Who Study in Florence

Italy is famous for tasty food as we all know and Florence is sure to offer you some of the finest options. Whether you like seafood, pizza, risotto, pasta, or steak, you can head to one of the wine bars to taste the most gourmet foods for affordable student prices. Florence particularly offers some of the most traditional and typical cuisines in Italy.

Tuscany is also a proud producer of the finest wines in the world; living in Florence allows you to taste them. You will find several wine-tasting venues around the Chianti region. Have some tasty food and wine to make memories on your study trip to Florence. Whatever your taste is, this city has some great options for you on a budget.

5. Fashion and Shopping

Studying in Florence benefits you by enhancing your sense of fashion and style. The city is known to be the birthplace of the modern fashion industry in Italy. The first-ever fashion events were organized in this city where the most famous Italian designers of the time had garnered the earliest international attention.

Guccio Gucci, Brioni, Enrico Coveri, Patrizia Pepe, Emilio Pucci, and others are some of the most significant designers from Florence many of whom still operate.

When in the city for your course, you can take a window shop tour via de’Tournabouni to see these shops. There is also the Ponte Vecchio area lined with shops on both sides selling fashion items like jewellery and exhibiting art galleries. With so many stalls and markets around the city, you are sure to find designer and vintage labels for affordable prices.

6. Quality of Education When You Study in Florence

If you decide to study in Florence, whether you want to take a short course or complete a degree, this city offers you a quality of education like none other. Renowned across the globe, the Florence academic system is ideal for scientists, historians, writers, and artists.

While studying abroad can be a daunting experience, a place like Florence offers a great mix of outstanding universities, culture, and positivity that makes the process convenient.

The University of Florence is one of the oldest and the biggest in Italy so it is worth checking out whether they offer the course you are interested in. Moreover, as this city is home to students from all parts of the world, adjusting to the new place becomes easier. Florence also respects different religious sentiments and the LGBTQ community.

7. Affordability

Though one of the most sought-after places in Italy for studies and careers, Florence is affordable. The cost of living in this city is cheaper compared to some other places in Italy. Students can easily find a lot of options in student accommodation in Florence during their stay. From student residences to studios and nice flatshares, you can pick where you prefer to live in Florence!

Transportation, food, drinks, and groceries are also quite budget-friendly here, making it an excellent option for studying abroad.

These are the top seven reasons to choose Florence as your destination for further studies. It has a rich history to explore and authentic cuisine to taste and allows you to travel to different European cities using fast trains. If you are thinking about going to Florence to study abroad, you will certainly not be disappointed!

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