Nicolas Graingeot: My Erasmus+ Internship in Prague

This Prague experience was one of the best of my life!

Nicolas G. decided to adventure himself and try an international internship during his studies. At Student Room Flat we are happy we had the luck of being part of his first professional experience abroad and especially in such an important role for us like Community Manager. You can now read a bit more about his life in Prague, Czech Republic, as an SRF intern and discover his exciting plans for the future!

“Hey everyone, my name is Nicolas Graingeot, 21, from France. I am currently doing my internship as a community manager in Prague, Czech Republic, for Student Room Flat.

I am in Neoma Business School, in Reims (near Paris), where I study international relationships by studying and living in several countries. Prague is one of these destinations.

Finding an Erasmus+ Internship Abroad

As I was looking for an internship in a foreign country, I found an offer by Student Room Flat, about being the Community Manager of the whole capital city. I directly understood that it was a one-time opportunity, and decided to apply as soon as possible! In less than 3 hours, I had an answer from them, and a meeting was planned. After it, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for, in terms of experience as well as professional values.

 About my professional goals, it is simple: I want to discover as many things as possible, to meet all profiles and cultures, to travel to all places. This is clearly a dream, but my experience in Student Room Flat is a perfect beginning for it: I met more than 20 different nationalities, I organized many events and trips in Czech Republic and abroad (Austria, Poland). To discover, exchange and travel are among my three main hobbies: I spend most of my time doing it, and this internship is perfectly combining business with pleasure.

My favorite destination so far is surely Andalucia, Spain, where I spent a few months living in Granada, but now, I guess my time in Prague is even more pleasant: it is this type of destination you can only love from the heart! Nevertheless, it is only a beginning: my next goal is to go to Eastern Asia, maybe Japan or China, as a new challenge for me: discovering such a different way of living and thinking!”


If you are looking for an amazing internship opportunity like Nicolas, you should check the open positions on our careers page!  We know that we can achieve the best with a team that shares our dreams. We are waiting for our friends who want to be with us in this journey, which we move forward with faith and solid goals! 💙


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